
6/Jul/2023 Notice
An article on “Establishment of SHEP Unit and Approval of SHEP Sustainability Strategy to the Nigerian Government” was featured in Nigeria Agricultural Extension Project by JICA Nigeria Office (Facebook)

NTCI and Kaihatsu Management Consulting, Inc. are working on the dissemination of the Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment & Promotion (SHEP) approach in JICA’s “Project on Promotion of Market-oriented Agricultural Extension System for Livelihood Improvement in Nigeria”.

In June 2023, a committee meeting of the project was held and it was chaired by the Undersecretary of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nigeria and the Director of JICA Nigeria Office. An article about such meeting was featured on the JICA Nigeria Office Facebook page. Click here to read the article.

The following two issues were discussed at the meeting and both were approved by the committee

1) Establishment of a SHEP unit in the Nigerian government (Agricultural Extension Service).

(2) The Nigerian government will develop a strategy for the continuation of SHEP activities after the completion of the project, including implementation policies, targets, and structure.